Saturday, February 24, 2007

期待已久, 蜷川實花, with Shena ringo on music
20/3 (Tue) 930pm 會展演講廳 20CE3E2
andy warhol documentary
27/3 (Tue) 1230pm 太空館演講廳 27SM3M1D
amk anson's film, 近日飯局裡的她比以往都來得氣色好和健康, 我們因此也都很放/開心
2/4 (Mon) 3pm 太空館演講廳 02SP4M2D
AV公主, is animation, but talking about the AV industry, cartoon version of〈AV現場〉

9/4 (Mon) 1030am 文化中心 09KG4M1
施丹360, and with mogwai on music
9/4 (Mon) 1230pm UA太古城1院 09UC4M2
Raoul Ruiz, 點得唔睇
6/4 (Fri) 1230pm 文化中心 06KG4M2
8/4 (Sun) 8pm UA太古城1院 08UC4E2
伊波拉病毒, 勁野, 記得在南丫島看到一半吊癮地回家, 朋友們都懂得流利地背出裡面的script呀, 傻架
28/3 (Wed) 230pm 大會堂劇院 28CT3M2D (仲要o向大會堂添, 可一不可再)
True man show + Being John Malkovich + Adaptation, 興趣不大, 但可以一看

30/3 (Fri) 930pm 文化中心大劇院 30KG3E2
超完美地獄, it's the hell that we are all right living with, and the fact is, u dunt even have way to escape
10/4 (Tue) 715pm 大會堂劇院 10CT4M1
23/3 (Fri) 930pm UA朗豪坊3院 23UL3E2
完全選舉手冊, 也叫馬先生來看看呀, 撼低阿扁麻
2/4 (Tue) 5pm 大會堂劇院 02CT4M3D
東/三峽好人, miss左既就快d睇番
4/4 (Wed) 130pm 科學館演講廳 04SM4M2D

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Second Lesson

"Time," the Captain said, "is not what you think."
He sat down next to Eddie. "Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on earth is only the beginning."
Eddie looked lost.
"I figure it's like in the Bible, the Adam and Eve deal?" the Captain said. "Adam's first night on earth? When he lays down to sleep? He thinks it's all over, right? He doesn't know what sleep is. His eyes are closing and he thinks he's leaving this world, right?
"Only he isn't. He wakes up the next morning and he has a fresh new world to work with, but he has something else, too. He has his yesterday."
The Captain grinned. "The way I see it, that's what we're getting here, soldier. That's what heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays."

Friday, February 02, 2007


黑鼆鼆 hakmungmung
光掁掁 kwongchangchang
黃黚黚 wonggumgum
烏黢黢 wujeukjeuk
白雪雪 baksuetsuet
紅噹噹 hungdongdong
青咇咇 chengbeebee
眼光光 ngankwongkwong
暖笠笠 luenluplup
長賴賴 cheunglailai
短桔桔 duengudgud
圓碌碌 yuenlooklook
甜耶耶 timyeahyeah
酸未未 suenmeimei
空廖廖 hunglieulieu
毛茸茸 moyungyung
光脫脫 kwongtuittuit
扁撻撻 bintarttart
眼甘甘 ngangumgum
牙斬斬 ngarjarmjarm
假惺惺 gasingsing
閃令令 simlingling
亮晶晶 leungjingjing
重力力 chungliklik
輕飄飄 hengpiupiu
熱辣辣 yitlartlart
凍冰冰 dungbingbing
鞋十十 haisarpsarp
滑慄慄 wartluetluet

濕泅泅 supluplup
乾曾曾 gontsangtsang

how boring am i in the damn boring office with the damn boring work